Walayet Khan

Dr. Walayet Khan

Professor of Finance

Room 144, Schroeder School of Business Building


Walayet A. Khan is professor of finance at the University of Evansville. He received his PhD in finance from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Dr. Khan is an active research scholar and maintains a consistent record of scholarly work. He has published papers in numerous finance journals and has presented papers at national and international conferences. Dr. Khan has served as consultant to many national and regional organizations, including the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, the Chicago Stock Exchange, Attain (Electronic Communications Network), Kaplan Schweser and locally the Signature School in Evansville. He is the recipient of several awards including 1996 outstanding teacher of the year (UE); 2006 and 2014 UE Global Scholar; and 2008, 2013, and 2018 outstanding researcher, Schroeder School of Business. Dr. Khan is involved in volunteer work for many organizations and reads on diverse topics in his leisure time. He works out and participates in sports regularly and is especially fond of racquetball, tennis, and swimming.

Presentations (Selected)

(Fifty peer reviewed domestic & international presentations, four Keynote speaker and twelve special session presentations)

  • “Diversification Benefits of Property Stocks and Residential Real Estate.” co-authored with Arif Qayyum, presented at the 2022 World Finance Conference.

  • “Impact of volatility on tech stocks during different economic environments” co-authored with Vivek Bhargava, presented at the 2022 World Finance Conference.

  • “Impact of Global Residential Real Estate on Portfolio Diversification” co-authored with Ariff Qayyum, presented at the 2021 World Finance Conference.

  • “Efficiency Performance and the Insolvency Risk for Takaful Insurance Firms: Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries.” co-authored with Abu-Alkeil, Presented at the 2021 World Finance Conference.

  • “Institutional Settings and Dividend Policy in Emerging Markets.” co-authored with Nahid Rahman, presented at the 2021 World Finance Conference.
  • “Target selection preferences and takeover premiums: Public versus private Acquirers” co-authored with Nahid Rahman presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the World Finance Conference.

  • “Black gold´s price plunge: Are conventional and interest free Islamic banks equally vulnerable?” co-authored with Ghulame Rubbaniy presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the World Finance Conference.

  • “Global Economic Outlook: 2020 and Beyond.” Presented at the 2019 Annual Luncheon of Evansville Chamber of Commerce (Economic Forecasts Series).

  • “Filling an Education Gap: “Bringing LiquidityProvisions and trading into the classroom.”Presented at the special session of 2018 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association.

  • “Inflation and Economic Growth Causality: Empirical Evidence from SAARC Countries” co-authored with Sayed Hossain presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of “International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities.” Casablanca, Morocco. (Keynote Speaker)

  • “Bridging the World of Islamic Finance – expanding the boundaries of Islamic Finance: Complementing domestic growth and International Linkages.” Presented at the International Forum for Finance & Banking Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 2014. (Arranged by the Leaders Training Center, a world-wide management & consulting service company. (Keynote Speaker)

  • “Islamic Finance in North America”, presented at the special session of 2012 Annual Meeting of Financial Management Association.

  • “How did the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S. convert into a global Financial Crisis?” Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of Global Business, Finance & Economics Research Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. (Keynote Speaker)

  • “Evolving Equity Markets: A Global Perspective” presented at the special session of the 2008 Annual Meeting European Financial Management Association.

  • “Current Economic Events: A Global Perspective (What, Why and How)” Presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Bankers Association of Credito Agricola, Porto, Portugal. (Keynote Speaker)

  • “Globalization of Equity Markets”, presented at the special session of 2006 Annual Meeting of European Financial Management Association.

  • “Practitioners’ and Academics’ Views on Exchange listings” presented at the special session of 2005 Annual Meeting Financial Management Association.

  • “Evolving Options Markets: Which way are they heading?” presented at the special session of 2003 Annual Meeting of Midwest Finance Association.

  • “All You Want to Know about Exchange Traded Funds: A New Innovation in Mutual Fund Industry” presented at the Special session of 2002 Annual Meeting of Midwest Finance Association.

  • “Options Market Microstructure: Old versus New,” presented at the special session of the 2000 Annual Meeting of Financial Management Association.

Peer Reviewed Papers (Selected)

  • Abu-Alkhail, Khartabiel A, Riaz A, Khan W (2023) “An empirical Study on the relationship between credit ratings and banks’ performance: Evidence from an emerging market.” International Journal of Accounting & Business Finance, Vol 9.

  • Ghulame R, Temtamy O, Parveen A, Khan W (2022)” “Black gold´s price plunge: Are conventional and interest free Islamic banks equally vulnerable?” Book, ISBN: 978-999949-8-310-0, 2022, Eliva Press.

  • Qayyum A, Khan W. (2021) “Impact of Global Residential Real Estate on Portfolio Diversification,” the Journal of Real Estate and Portfolio Management” Vol 27.

  • Abu-Alkeil, Khan, W & Parikh, B. (2020) “Risk-Reward Trade-Off and Volatility Performance of Islamic Versus Conventional Stock Indices: Global Evidence” Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol 23.

  • Abu-Alkeil, A, Khartabil, G, & Khan, W (2020) “Shariah- Compliant Sukuk Versus Conventional Bond Announcement: Is there a Wealth Effect?” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol 54.

  • Sarwar, G & Khan, W (2019). Interrelations of U.S. Market Fears and Emerging Markets Returns: Global Evidence, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol 24.

  • Sarwar, G & Khan, W, (2017). The Effect of US Stock Market Uncertainty on Emerging Market Returns, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol 53.

  • Abu-Alkeil, A & Khan, W (2017). Do Islamic Banks Optimally Balance the Trade-Off in Capital Structure Mix? A Comparison Approach, Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 55.

  • Abu-Alkeil, A, Khan, W & Parikh, B (2017). Dynamic Co-integration and Portfolio Diversification of Islamic and Conventional Indices: Global Evidence, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 66.

  • Vieito, J & Khan, W, (2013). CEO Gender and Firm Performance, Journal of Economics & Business, Vol 67.

  • Khan, W & Vieito, J (2012). Stock Exchange Mergers and Weak form of Market Efficiency: The Case of Euronext Lisbon. International Review of Economics & Finance, Vol. 22.

  • Vieito, J & Khan, W (2012). Executive Compensation and Gender: S&P 1500 listed Firms, Journal of Economics & Finance, Vol. 36.

  • Wang, Y, Hu, H & Khan, W, (2011). Foreign Institutional Ownership and Firm Dividend Payout: The Case of Taiwan, Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 16.

  • Ho, C, Khan, W, & Cheng, Y. (2009). Insider Trading around Open Market Share Repurchases: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market. Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol.14.

  • Vieito, J., Khan, W, & Cerqueira, M. (2008). Is Executive Compensation Different Across S&P Listed Firms? Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 47.

  • Khan, W, Wang, Y, & Yuan, H (2007). The Spillover Effect of Short-term Interest Rates: Financial Integration among Capital Markets. Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol 12.

  • Ariff, M, Khan, W & Baker, H.K (2007). “Are Share Price Reactions to Rights Offerings Sensitive to Different Economic Conditions?” Journal of Asia Business Studies, 1(), Vol 13.

  • Chaudry M, Khan, M & Baker, H.K. (2005). The Impact of Insider Trading on Market Liquidity in NASDAQ. The Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol 10.

  • Ariff, M, Khan W & Baker H.K (2004) “Are Stock Splits Credible Signal? Evidence from the Singapore Market.”, The Singapore Economic Review, Vol.49.

  • Ariff, M, Khan W & Baker H. K (2003) “Determinants of Treasury Bond Yields in Singapore” Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies Vol.40.

  • Christi D, Chaudhary, M & Khan W (2002) “New Releases, Market Integration, and Market Leadership”, Journal of Financial Research Vol.25.

  • Ariff M and Khan., W (2002) “Key Fundamental Factors and the Long Run Stock Price Changes,” Global Business and Finance Review, Vol. 12.

  • Baker HK, Khan, W and Mukherjee T (2002) “Direct Stock Purchase Plans: Company Perspective” Financial Services Review, Vol.11.

  • Lamba A & Khan W (2001) “The Effectiveness of Legal Sanctions in Curtailing Insider Trading: Evidence from Exchange Listings” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics Vol.4.

  • Khan, W, Baker HK & Brabec F (2000) “Stock Price Behavior on the Prague Stock Exchange,”, Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 5.

  • Lamba A & Khan.W.(1999) “Exchange Listings and Delistings: The Role of Insider Information and Insider Trading,” Journal of Financial Research, Vol 22.

  • Khan, W & Kiymaz H (1998) “The Istanbul Stock Exchange: Tests of Risk/Return Relationships and Serial Correlation,” co-authored with Halil Kiymaz, Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 3.

  • Khan, W & Ariff M. (1998) “The Effects of International Inter-Market Investment Barriers on Asset Pricing: A Case of Singapore Stock Exchange,” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Vol.37.

  • Khan, W, Baker HK & Edelman R. (1995) “Competition versus Consolidation of Order Flow: Common Stock Listing on Dual domestic Exchanges,” Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 34.

  • Khan, W, Baker HK & Edelman R. (1994) “The Post-Dual Listing Anomaly,” Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.46.

  • Khan, W, & Baker HK, (1993) “Management Motives for Dual Listings: A Survey,” Midwestern Journal of Business & Economics, Vol. 7.

  • Khan, W & Baker HK (1993) “Unlisted Trading Privileges, Liquidity, and Stock Returns,” H. Kent Baker, Journal of Financial Research, Vol. 16.

  • Khan, W, Baker HK & Kennedy R (1993) “Dual Domestic Listing, Market Structure, and Shareholders Wealth,” The Financial Review Vol. 28.